
Thursday, May 5, 2011

blog posts and comments

so my blog posts would be the ones that i have done, i know i slacked off and forgot about the blogs almost completely.


Baby Face Mike said...
I had considered doing for my initial comparison report but wasn't sure how to find the community underneath. You mention that there are things other than music discussed but when you explain it, its about music so i'm a little confused there. Do you mean that music is tied into every discussion whether or not it is the main focus of the topic?
Baby Face Mike said...
Well thats just scary. I had known that they keep transcripts of all calls and texts and such but i didn't know about all of the other data that they have recorded. the most shocking to me is that they are recording the gyroscopic data from the iphone. That seems like data that would be useless or difficult to interpret. the only thing that comes to mind is using the accelerometer to measure accelerating and decelerating on highways to map traffic patterns in real time based off of people phones. that would be pretty cool...
on electric sheeps smart phone posts
Baby Face Mike said...
I found it interesting that Allegra was always treating her game pod like it was her own child. she responded in a matronly manner whenever it was threatened. whats heightens this idea is that fact that the game pods are made out of a flesh, like you mentioned, bus also that they appear alive and are connected via an "umbi cord" which is a direct reference to an umbilical cord that a baby would have. I think cronenburg is showing how technology and the blending machine and flesh is calling attention to the way some people treat their technology.

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